WONDER WOMAN - © 1978 by Warner Bros. TV / CBS-TV.

ACTION shot of Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman from the episode "DISCO DEVIL". CBS, Friday, October 21, 1978.

...Anthony Borden (ROBERT DUNLAP), a top-notch nuclear engineer, is on the dance floor of the Styx disco, with Kathy Munro (KERRY SHERMAN), a stunning blonde. Angelique (ELLEN WESTON), the owner of Styx, welcomes Borden and mentions to Kathy that she might be interested in taking him back to one of the private rooms. They walk down a plushly carpeted corridor, enter -a mirrored room; then Kathy disappears. Nick Moreno (MICHAEL DELANO), dressed in disco-king white, enters the small area and calls Tony by name, telling him not to worry about Kathy. Tony spins around, seeking an exit, but Nick grabs him. As Borden turns, Nick's eyes glow brightly. Nick's hands go to Borden's temples his eyes glowing brighter as he says, "Lemme take some of the load off your mind...all the secrets that got you so uptight."...

© 1978 by Warner Bros. TV / CBS-TV.

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